
Pisa Calcio

The Pisa Calcio is the main club of Pisa. There is also a Women's Pisa Calcio .

Initially the club colors were red and white and finally became neroazzurri in 1910 in honor of Inter winning the Scudetto.

In November 1914, under the leadership of new President, James Picchiotti, began the official SC Pisa to include the Cup Federal Tuscany.

Photos of Pisa Stadium

The origins of football team

On 26 October 1919 was inaugurated the new stadium, the Arena Garibaldi, and the following season the SC Pisa was a strong team with a responsible company and a new stadium and large. The employment of large Ging coach, former captain of the national Hungary was another important event in the history of the company neroazzurra. Despite the team favored for winning the regional title was the U.S. Livorno, which remained in first position for most of the championship, played in the decisive match the Arena Garibaldi, passed on the Pisa Livorno 3-0 to winning the Cup as Toscana for the fifth time consecutively.

On 3 July 1921 the two teams met in Bologna in the final title for the center-south that ended with the historic success of the amaranth Pisa: Pisa SC - U.S. Livorno 1-0.

The Pisa SC, neocampione Center-South, July 24 1921 in Turin dispute the final for the title against the very strong Italian Pro Vercelli, but not enough to provide a great goal neroazzurro Gianni (11 appearances in the National) to combat the Piedmont: the Newcastle United beat the Pisa 2-1.

From the Twenties to the years fifty

Beginning with the 1921-22 season, following the reform of the championships, there was the establishment of the league to two rounds and was inserted in the Pisa group B.

In the 1925-26 championship, following the abandonment of "Ging and the reckless sale of certain players, the team relegated for the first time in Division I (the current series B).

In the 1928-29 season, after further reform of the championships, won the 5th place but that does not avoided relegation in the fledgling series C, where the team stayed for four seasons disputed center-League table.

Meanwhile the Arena Garibaldi had been transformed into a modern sport that can accommodate up to 7,000 spectators and over the grandstand and the twin tiers, the facility included the athletics track and camps for tennis and basketball.
. The new stadium was renamed Campo del Littorio and was inaugurated by Bishop Ercoleni Attuori on 8 October 1931 in the presence of King Vittorio Emanuele III.

In 1933-34 the new league coach, the Hungarian Orth, brought the Pisa at 2nd place.

In the final played at the Rome neroazzurri the Friulian fought for 3 to 1 and came back in series B. From 1943 to 1946 was suspended due to World War II.

In season 1947-48 the team finished 2nd place in the group C of Series B at a point from Palermo. On this occasion, however, an investigation was opened because two players Nocerino stated that they were paid from Palermo to lose the game against the rosanero. The investigation was still closed and Palermo was promoted to Serie A at the expense of Pisa.

The 1951-52 season marked the return to series C after 15 years and, after two years, found themselves in neroazzurri championship series IV (the current C2).

In the 1954-55 season, when the financial situation became dramatic, the team is ranked in fifth place. The league reported following a rather unfortunate event: a mid-season, returning from travel to Fabriano, the coach of Pisa was a frightening incident in which several players were injured and could not play for a long time.
The company was thus forced to enter in the field of youth players and the league was compromise ends with another relegation. I neroazzurri found themselves playing in the Promotion (the current series D).

Enrico Ciaranfi the President and Secretary Antonio Bellani entrusted the technical team to Umberto Mannocci which Pisa had to gain several victories and enthusiasm to restoring the Swiss.

On 2 June 1957, the Pisa, second in the standings, faced Grossetto the leader of the championship on the last day for making 1 to 0 and winning the return earned in IV series and subsequently winning the other IV championship series, came back in series C.

60 years, the conquest Series A

In 1963-64 he was elected President Joseph Donati who entrusted the team to Umberto Pinardi.

In the following season (1964-65), the Pisa won the championship with Cervetto and Cosma capocannonieri of the grouping.

13 years after the team returned to Serie B by addressing 2 championships, of which the second (1966-67) was the most difficult to overcome.

The following season, Donati, along with the coach confirmed Lucchi, decided to sell good players, as Mascetti and De Min, to buy Joan, Hannibal, Manservisi, Mascali, Pleasures.

The final result of the match between Perugia and Bari sanctioned the automatic promotion of neroazzurri league in the league, in fact, being composed of 21 teams, included a round of stops for each structure, and Pisa that had touched their turn to day.

Unfortunately, the team not getting the desired results in Serie A was only one year.

The team entrusted to Lauro Toneatto, a winning debut for Taranto 2-0. But there was a time when beautiful alternated victories in sensational defeat.

Toneatto was forced to resign and his successor Giuseppe Corradi led the team to 7th place in the standings. The company he found himself in financial difficulties and was forced to a series of disposals. Thus, in the next championship series B team appeared significantly weakened and returned to the C series (1971-72 and 1972-73).

After seven championship series C, the President Rota put the company on the market.

Anconetani Rome and Pisa team

In 1978 the company was purchased by Romeo Anconetani that in the 1978-79 championship in the fledgling series C1, alternated at the helm of Pisa three technicians: Vitali Giampietro, Gianni Seghedoni and Pier Luigi Meciani, who bore neroazzurri to win the second division after seven years.

Even in the following season, 1979-80 Series B, technicians were three confirmed Meciani began, then replaced by Sergio Carpanesi and Beppe Chiappelli who led the team to 14th place.

After the seventh place achieved in 1980-81, the following season, the young coach Aldo Agroppi led the team to win the league on 13 June 1982 after 13 years of waiting. The best placement in A series is the 11th place of the 1982-83 season.

But in the historic and decisive action against Milan travel, the rossoneri are imposed for the 2-1 and Pisa was again second division.

Anconetani not lost their nerve and immediately created a good team, led by Gigi Simoni, won the championship of the 1984-85 cadet with Lecce. Followed one year of league (1985-86): The Pisa, trained by Vincenzo Guerini, had an unexplained decline that brought the team to 14th place behind again in the second division. But in the same season on Pisa won his first Cup Mitropa: in November of 1985, the Arena Garibaldi neroazzurri defeated the Hungarians of Debrecen to 2-0 after the match of the qualification dell'Olomouc Czechs 1-0.

In season 1986-87 the team was again entrusted to Gigi Simoni, who in the travel of Cremona led the team to a resounding success for 2 to 1.

The next championship series A (1987-88) ended with the conquest of the 13th under the directives of technical Giuseppe Materazzi. The May 30 The Arena Garibaldi in 1988 was also won for the second time Mitropa Cup: the Hungarian team of Vaci Izzo was defeated by 3 to 0.

In the 1988-89 season was played a disappointing season, but again suffered Pisa series A, even if the championship the following year (1990-91) under the guidance of technical Romanian Mircea Lucescu, then released, saw the return of Pisa in serie B. I neroazzurri disputing two championships in Division B by the results disappointing and the third championship season, 1993-94, downgraded, causing the bitter end of Pisa Sporting Club

Because dell'inaspettata relegation team suddenly found itself in serious economic difficulties and Romeo Anconetani failed to address the financial deficit, so in August 1994, the Pisa Sporting Club was admitted to the championship.

Football in Pisa would be gone if it did not immediately formed a new company, so some local people willing registered a new company, the 'AC Pisa, at the regional championship of Excellence, but the new team was not able to fight for promotion and concluded all '8th place, with such difficulty in bureaucratic and financial.

A new turning point came when Roberto Posarelli, Bruno and Enrico Gerbi Meliani founded the Pisa Calcio 1995, to the guarantees offered by the company, was back in August 1995 in the National Amateur Championship. The coach Luciano Filippi brought Pisa in Serie C2 returning to professional football.

After three seasons under the guidance of Francesco D'Arrigo, the Nerazzurri back in Serie C1.

In the following season (1999-2000) gave the Nerazzurri the dream of the series B after the defeat to play-off in semifinal in which they were eliminated from Brescello.

On May 14, 2002, Pisa Calcio passing of hands and was bought by Maurizio Mian, which has alternated the presidency with his mother Maria Gabriella Gentili until 2005. Despite a great deal economically, the Nerazzurri have failed to rise in class, even in the 2002-03 season: The team, coached by Simonelli, lost the series B to additional travel to Bergamo to the final return of play-off against Albinoleffe.

On 1 July 2005 has officially been the transition to the new owner Leonardo Covarelli who rebuilt the team from scratch, focusing on young emerging category below and Manuele Domenicali, a coach who had won the previous championship series with C2 Gela. The results were not what we expected: the Pisa ended the championship in 15th place and managed to keep the class only after the play-out.

At the start of next season, 2006-07, the company relies on technical Piero Braglia players and experts in the category.

After a championship fight, the Pisa concludes the regular season in third place, behind and Grosseto Sassuolo. In semifinal play-off on the deal Pisans Venice, 1-1 tie in the race went to the house of the lagoon. In the race returning, the Pisa team exceeds the Venetian to 3-1 and earn the final against Monza, victorious at Sassuolo. The following Sunday the Pisa is engaged in the difficult travel to Monza, and culminating in a 1-0 defeat. The match ends 1-0 to return to time regulations, forcing the teams to further that end with the score of 2-0.

The Pisa so back to B after 13 years of absence.

For the 2007/2008 season the team engages the coach Giampiero Ventura.