
Events and Cultural Associations

In Holiday in Pisa, tourists will have the opportunity to attend various cultural events, musical and otherwise held in the city during the year.

At this website www.belpaese.it , You get a list of all the events taking place in the municipality and province of Pisa, always updated, to know and visit the traditions and cultures of each locality.

Stazione Leopolda (Piazza Guerrazzi - Pisa (PI) Tel. 050.21 531):
the Leopolda was one of the first railway built in Italy, built in 1844 by Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany.
Following the approval, 23 March 1871, the development plan Micheli and the subsequent implementation of the new central station, the station Leopolda was deleted, while continuing to operate until 1929 as cargo.
From then to 1993 the area was used as a national fruit and vegetable market.

In 1994, following the transfer market, many associations towns proposed to transform the Leopolda in a socio-cultural. In 1996 the municipality of Pisa has started work on the recovery of the structure, achieved thanks to a grant from the Regione Toscana (EU funds).

The Leopolda it's on to the city as a modern multifunctional.

The management of Leopolda was entrusted by the city of Pisa to the "House of Leopolda City", a collection of associations involved in the project.

Palazzo dei Congressi di Pisa (Via Matteotti, 1 - Pisa Tel. 050.59 82 12):
organizes meetings, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, meetings and more.

The limonaia (Vicolo del Ruschi, 4 - Pisa Tel. 050.97 08 28):
aims to spread scientific culture and technology in society by promoting initiatives that enhance science and technology both at school and in the common life of citizens.

Ilmac - Interculture and Languages World Cultural Association (Via C. Battisti, 3 Pisa Tel. 050.28 129):
The purpose of this association is to promote exchanges and dialogue between culture and tradition with Italian culture and traditions of the peoples of the world.