
Prehistoric Park Peccioli

The first amusement park in Tuscany with reconstruction of dinosaurs fiberglass life-size, a place of healthy fun for children and adults.

Velociraptor, Prehistoric Park Peccioli It is located Peccioli, a small medieval village in the province of Pisa, one of the most fun of Tuscany: a prehistoric park with lots of dinosaurs reconstructed in resin size. Prehistoric Park is located just outside the village of Peccioli in an area of 30 thousand square meters, inside are played twenty or so of prehistoric animals in size. The park was born from the idea of a no longer young circus artist who decided to retire in the small village of Peccioli.

On land purchased by him were found numerous archaeological findings and ancient fossils of prehistoric animals, hence the idea of rebuilding a park that was both scientifically relevant and effective for teaching, is a place of entertainment for young and old, to spend hours outdoor recreation, a place of spectacular entertainment. The park has twenty replicas including a "real" volcano erupting colored balls and reproduction in natural scale (12 meters) of a brachiosauro the upper Jurassic, the largest dinosaur currently built in Europe.

Prehistoric Park Peccioli is ideal for a day out for the whole family, with areas of recreation and picnic facilities. On Sundays you can usuffruire guided tours, so the little ones will enjoy and admire including the dinosaurs velociraptor, brontosauro, brachiosauro, but also of the bear cave and pterodattili.

Useful Information

  • Open from 9:00 am to sunset
  • LOW SEASON (SEPTEMBER 1 - MARCH 31): Adults € 4.00 / € 3.00 CHILDREN

Children under one meter in height shall free

Prehistoric Park
Via dei Cappuccini
Peccioli 56,037 (Pi)
Tel and fax: 0587 636030

Ruota Panoramica

Via Pietrasantina
56122 Pisa (Pisa) - [Italy]