Monti Pisani

The Territory Pisa, information for tourists!

Lion Statue at the Solferino Bridge Pisa is a favorite with visitors from all over the world.

Important tourist resort, bases its main activities on the engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, wood and ceramics.

Plays an important role agriculture of vines, olives, vegetables and fruit, and the breeding of cattle, in fact the climate, mild by sea breezes and abundance of streams, it allows a quality agricultural production .

In the lowland areas they are cultivated cereals and sugar beet; In areas of Volterrrano is grown mainly vineyards and olive trees.

Remember the production of zucchini "default", the artichoke of San Miniato, tomatoes ("Pisanello" and "ribbed Florentine"), cauliflower Tuscan DEII legumes (peas, chickpeas and beans).

In provice of Pisa there are places just released from the production of certain types of fruit: cherry of Lari, of which you know about 19 local species, peaches, grapes "Columban" Peccioli, watermelons and melons Bientina.

A structure important for the city of Pisa, in addition to the prestigious University, is the National Research Council (CNR).

General information

Population: 89,694 (42,609 M, F 47085)
Population density per square km: 484.1
(Istat 2001)
Number of families: 39,330
Housing Number: 46478
Population name: Pisa
Patron: San Ranieri Pisa
Patron Saint: 17 June

Useful Links

We provide you with a list of links to websites of institutions and services to Pisa and province.

Emergency calls and public utility

  • First Aid: 113
  • Police: 112
  • Fire: 115
  • Emergency medical service: 118
  • Breakdown Service: 116
  • Traffic police: 050/50 14 44