parco di san rossore

The Hippodrome of San Rossore

Within the tight San Rossore is the namesake racetrack. It is part of a fleet of over 24 thousand hectares. You can also see our photo album of the park of San Rossore .

The regional park of San Rossore stretches along the coast between Viareggio and Livorno. Its pine forests are among the most wooded of Tuscany and home to deer, roe deer and wild boars up to the Second World War there was also a herd of dromedaries, descendants of animals brought here in 1620 by Grand Duke Ferdinand II. Two centers visitattori organize guided tours on foot, by bicycle or on horseback, while the site Archaeological San Rossore, where it was found an ancient Roman fleet, can be visited by appointment.

Ippica in a place of sport in an exceptional, among the pine and the white background of the Apuan Alps. The race course was designed by Leopold of Lorraine in 1829.

The galloping horse is an expression of power and rare beauty. The horse race will multiply the effect. All'ippodromo San Rossore this fantastic show is held annually for fifty days, from October to April.

Racecourse San Rossore