museo a Pisa

Museums in Pisa, San Rossore and more

National Museum of San Matteo: important museum of painting and sculpture that gathers works from major ecclesiastical buildings of the city and the territory

Museum of Human Anatomy : retains many anatomical specimens of great scientific and cultural interest that come from centuries of history of medicine. It also holds archaeological collections, including Egyptian and Peruvian mummies.

Natural History Museum and the territory of the University of Pisa : located inside the Charterhouse of Calci (PI), collects collections mineralogical, palaeontological and zoological.
The April 14, 2007 was also inaugurated the hall tactile "Nature at your fingertips", where you can touch objects and models, in addition to information via the labels on the pieces.

Museum of Computing Instruments: houses the collections of the great historical computers, supercomputers, mechanical calculators, electrical calculators and personal computers.
It also hosts temporary exhibitions, conferences, studies, etc ...

Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Reale preserves many of the families who lived here. Holds important works: portraits by court officials, the armor of the historic Battle of the Bridge, the private collections, and so on. The museum also hosts and promotes frequent thematic exhibitions.

Domus Galilaeana: currently houses a library specializing in the history of science of over 40,000 volumes and archives of important scientific figures of the nineteenth and twentieth century.
Periodically organizes educational tours for schools on the most important figures of the History of Science, from Galileo Galilei to physicists of the twentieth century.

Domus Mazzini: Mazzini building dedicated to housing as well as an extensive library, in which they collected the writings and studies Mazzini, an archive and a museum.
The museum is retraced the life of Mazzini with the exposure of a few personal items, documents, books, letters and photographs.

The ancient ships of Pisa: site that shows the work of recovery and restoration, at the Shipyard of the Ancient Ships of Pisa and Center for Restoration of Wet Wood, of ancient ships found in Pisa and about 200 exhibits.

Mural by Keith Haring: it was created by the artist in 1989 on a wall of 180 square meters of the monastery of St. Anthony. The "Tuttomondo", so called to express the theme of harmony and peace in the world, is the only work of Haring that is designed from the outset as "permanent", that is not going to disappear one in a series mass communication.

This work depicts a composition of interlocking, like a giant puzzle, in which each of the 30 figures represents a different "look" of the world in peace.

Botanical garden :
located in via Luca Ghini n. 5, is the oldest botanical garden in the world built in 1544 thanks to the physician and botanist Luca Ghini, now it covers an area of ??about three hectares.
Important source of material for teaching university and beyond, is a destination for school trips from all over the country.
Admission is free and open to individuals and small compounds from up to 10 people, while for larger groups need to book a guided tour for a fee.
The opening hours may vary, so it is advisable to contact.

New Fortress (now called Garden overcooked)


the gigantic plane tree which is in the middle of the garden was planted at a play by Carlo Goldoni.

Its construction dates back to 1406, the period of the first Florentine domination.

Following the revolt of Pisa and the clashes preceding the second conquest of the city, the fortress was damaged and subsequently restored by the Florentine architect Giuliano da Sangallo.
In 1798 the fortress became the property of the Scotto family that started work on the construction of a building equipped with a large green space.

In the thirties of last century, the area becomes communal garden and is still used for cultural manifastazioni, such as exhibitions, theater productions, concerts as well as open-air cinema during the summer.

Equipped with games for children is an ideal place to spend moments of fun in contact with the green.

The Park of San Rossore

With its rich variety of plant and animal species, including mallards and herons, it offers nature lovers the opportunity to spend pleasant moments immersed in a fantastic natural landscape.

The park consists of various types of natural environments in which prevails the wooded area with pines and deciduous trees. There are also dunes and marshes.

It is open to the public on Sundays and public holidays, while guided tours are scheduled during the week.
The tours are held also by bicycle, by train, by bus, on horses and carriages and the lake of Massaciuccoli can be visited by boat.

The Presidential Estate of San Rossore, now owned by the Region of Tuscany and in managing the park, bounded on the north by the river Serchio, east of the pit Cuccia, south from the Arno, to the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea, is the heart of Regional Park with an area of ??4800 hectares.

For information:

Around Pisa

Romanesque basilica of San Piero a Grado:


According to legend, the Apostle Peter, on his journey by sea from Palestine to Rome, he was seized by a terrible storm. Landed on the mainland, Peter prepared a brief ceremony of thanks, which would be built after a chapel that over the centuries became an imposing basilica.

The Basilica of San Piero a Grado was built in the eleventh century.

One of the peculiarities of the church is not to have a facade but three apses typical of religious buildings of the Romanesque style. Inside the church contains frescoes dating from the end of 1200 and beginning of 1300. The Basilica is located in Via Vecchia Marina 5, San Piero a Grado (PI)

Tel. (0039) 050.96 00 65
Hours: 8:00 to 19:00 - free admission